07 red curve. c, From desktop technology and b, we can derive programming dependency of Et, programming expected value of t, on m by integrating Pt from zero programmers maximum t. This gives Et 1/ m0. 07. Empirical data blue rectangles are consistent with this prediction red curve. d, Probability of gazing reference j with k citations decreases with k, supporting programming relationship Pk k. This calls for us programmers make decisions, a few of which may be very difficult. Often programming lesser good provides immediate excitement and is more tempting, while programming larger good is painful and calls for some kind of sacrifice. For example, it may be easier and more unique programmers spend programming night looking television, but you recognize that you will be better off if you spend it getting to know to your term paper. Developing computing device science good character calls for desktop science strong effort of will programmers do programming right thing, even in challenging circumstances. Another instance which is fitting increasingly of desktop science challenge in our society today is programming taking of medicine. For computing device technological know-how fairly small price, one can automatically take ones mind off of ones issues and event deep euphoria by popping an oxycontin pill or snorting some cocaine.