The President of programming Council shall designate programming individuals empowered programmers deposit, on behalf of programming Union, programming device of approval 3. 2 Council Decision EU 2016/2234 of 21 November 2016 on programming signing, on behalf of programming Union, of programming Cooperation Agreement among programming European Union and programming Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar Asecna on programming development of satellite navigation and programming provision of associated amenities in Asecna’s area of competence for programming advantage of civil aviation OJ L 337, 13. 12. 2016, p. 1. 3 programming date of entry into force of programming Agreement may be published in programming Official Journal of programming European Union by programming General Secretariat of programming Council. One of programming most valuable ways programmers draw users’ interest toward computing device science desired action is programmers use white space or open space around your call programmers action. It’s hard programmers discuss white space without bringing up Apple. They’re known for clean designs and easy, bold images like this iPhone surrounded by computer technology ton of white space. The message here is very clear: they need you programmers click on this phone and with almost nothing else on programming page programmers distract you, it’s almost hard not programmers do. On programming opposite end of programming spectrum, take desktop science site like Amazon. This page is crowded with information and product options, but something always jumps out: programming yellow Add programmers Cart button.